Starting from scratch
Install the DDN CLI
curl -L | bash
Install Docker
Follow the instructions on the Docker website to install Docker on your machine.
Log in with the CLI
Logging in allows you to connect to the PromptQL runtime which is necessary for development. It also allows you to deploy your project to Hasura DDN.
ddn auth login
You will be redirected to DDN signup/login page.
Validate the installation
You can verify that the DDN CLI is installed correctly by running:
ddn doctor
Start a new PromptQL project
ddn supergraph init my-assistant --with-promptql
cd my-assistant
Initialize the project on Hasura DDN
Initialize the project on Hasura DDN which is required for PromptQL to work. This step will also enable PromptQL Playground using the api key added above.
ddn project init
Connect to your data
Follow these guides to connect to your data of any kind.
Start your assistant
ddn run docker-start
From the project directory, run:
Browser support: PromptQL playground is supported on all browsers except Firefox and Safari. Support for these browsers should be available shortly.
ddn console --local
This should open up your browser (or print a browser URL) for opening up your console. It’ll typically be something
Say hi!
The console is a client-side web app that connects to your local PromptQL API and data sources. Your data is not sent or saved anywhere else.
Head over to the console and say hi to your AI!
> Hi!