Connect PostgreSQL Data
Let’s connect PromptQL to a PostgreSQL database.
Add the PostgreSQL connector
ddn connector init mypostgres -i
- Select hasura/postgres
- Skip port,
, etc. Press “return”.
The CLI will output text similar to this:
HINT To access the local Postgres database:
- Run: docker compose -f app/connector/mypostgres/compose.postgres-adminer.yaml up -d
- Open Adminer in your browser at http://localhost:9822 and create tables
- To connect to the database using other clients use postgresql://user:[email protected]:8105/dev
Copy the first command from the output above and paste it in your terminal to run the PostgreSQL instance.
Populate the database
We’ll populate the database with the SQL schema and data from the following files.
First, let’s create our schema locally:
curl -o ./app/connector/mypostgres/01_ecommerce_schema.sql
Then, the seed data:
curl -o ./app/connector/mypostgres/02_ecommerce_data.sql
You can execute these scripts using the following commands:
cat app/connector/mypostgres/01_ecommerce_schema.sql | docker exec -i mypostgres-postgres-1 psql -U user -d dev
cat app/connector/mypostgres/02_ecommerce_data.sql | docker exec -i mypostgres-postgres-1 psql -U user -d dev
Introspect your data source
Introspect your data source to create a set of configuration files describing your data source in a format which the connector specifies.
ddn connector introspect mypostgres
Add your resources
Add your resources to create metadata for models, commands, and relationships in your supergraph.
ddn model add mypostgres '*'
ddn command add mypostgres '*'
ddn relationship add mypostgres '*'
Build your supergraph for the local engine
ddn supergraph build local
Create a Hasura DDN project to get PromptQL running, even if you are on local dev
ddn project init
Start your supergraph locally
ddn run docker-start
Head to your local DDN console
Run the following from your project’s directory:
ddn console --local
Talk to your data
Ask any questions you wish about your PostgreSQL data!
> Which product is most popular?
> Which customers generate the most revenue?