DocsSTART: Build an AI assistant on your GitHub repo

Build an AI assistant on your GitHub repo

Example: PromptQL on GitHub

Build an AI assistant on your GitHub repo with data persisted locally. Make sure you’ve installed the ddn CLI and have an Anthropic API key.

Make sure you’re on the latest version of the ddn CLI.

You’ll need the alpha version of the CLI to use this example.
ddn update-cli --version v2.12.0-alpha.2

Clone the repo

Clone using http:

git clone
cd example-promptql-github

or ssh:

git clone [email protected]:hasura/example-promptql-github.git
cd example-promptql-github

Set up your .env file

cp .env.example .env

Add Anthropic API key to .env

Get an api key from


To use an OpenAI key instead, you’ll have to set OPENAI_API_KEY in your .env file and change the environment variable LLM to openai in the compose.yaml file.

Add GitHub API token to .env

Head over to and create an API token.


This token only needs read access to the repo you are interested in.

Example: PromptQL on GitHub

Choose the org/repo

Head to app/connector/github/index.ts and change the org name and the repo name to something you’d like:

// index.ts
  const manager = new GitHubIssueSyncManager('<org-name>', '<repo-name>');
  if (!process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN) {

Setup DDN project

ddn project init

Start PromptQL

First build your supergraph

ddn supergraph build local

Then bring up the PromptQL API server, the engine and the connector

ddn run docker-start

You’ll notice in amongst your Docker logs that your github synchronization has started.

Docker logs
[2024-01-01 12:00:01] Starting GitHub sync…

[2024-01-01 12:00:02] Fetching repository metadata…

[2024-01-01 12:00:03] Syncing issues and pull requests…

[2024-01-01 12:00:04] Loading repository contents…

[2024-01-01 12:00:05] GitHub sync complete

If the specified repo has many issues or comments it may take some time to get them all and you may be rate limited. That’s ok, you can go ahead and try PromptQL without the process having fully finished yet.

If you notice some logs regarding GitHub permissions, check that your GitHub API token has the correct permissions for the repo you’re trying to access.

Open the PromptQL playground

In another terminal, run

ddn console --local

Log in with your Hasura account on the browser page that loads up.

Ask questions about your GitHub repo

The console is a web app hosted at that connects to your local PromptQL API and data sources. Your data is processed in the DDN PromptQL runtime but isn’t persisted externally.

Head over to the console and ask a few questions about your GitHub repo.

> What are the open pull requests?
> What kind of questions can I ask?

Start from scratch?

If you made a mis-step or want to start from scratch, simply restarting the docker containers will reset the app. However, this will also lose any data which may have been loaded.

ddn run docker-start

Deploy and share your PromptQL app

Create a supergraph build

Heads up, this takes a good 5-6 minutes to run while the connector is provisioned on DDN.

ddn supergraph build create

Open the PromptQL playground

The PromptQL playground opens in your browser.

ddn console

Enter your Anthropic API key. The key will be saved in your DDN project.

Act on your data!

Ask questions about your GitHub repo.

> Who are the most prolific contributors?
> How much time does it take to close an average issue?

Remember, you can always ask additional follow up questions, or provide instructions iteratively to explore and act on your data.

Read more at the PromptQL Guide.

Share your PromptQL app

PromptQL settings

Users with any access level, including “Read only” can access your promptQL app. Read only users cannot modify your project or invite additional users.

You can also choose “Request Access” so that anyone who arrives at the project URL can request access.

Edit and extend

If you’d like to tweak how this app works check out the app/connector/github/functions.ts file and especially the GitHubIssueSyncManager function.